Sunday, January 23, 2005

Whatta Sunday!

I was to attend the 9:30 am Japanese mass but I woke up at exactly 9:48 am. Father will also have the afternoon mass but in another place one-and-a-half hour from our place. So I just felt weak missing the Sunday mass.

Over lunch, the idea of buying a dig cam popped into my mind. Incidentally, I will be attending a math seminar in another university tomorrow so I wouldn't want to miss the opportunity of documenting my presence there through pictures. And besides, I want to take some snow pictures also outside while the roads and fields are still white with snow.

Good thing that I was really to withdraw money from my bank account as I was already running out of cash for tomorrow's trip so I also put out some for the cam. I went to Super Denkodo and checked out their cameras there. I liked two models... one from Sony and another one from Fujifilm. I took note of the model numbers and the corresponding prices and headed to another electrical appliance shop, Yamada Denki.

I didn't think that going to Yamada Denki was one bit of a hell. Using the bicycle, I can go there from Super Denkodo in about 15 minutes. But as it is winter, I was not able to bring my bicycle. So I had no choice but to walk. And dangers of all dangers, the road was very slippery. These past few days the temperature had gone up a bit so that some of the snow melted. But today the temperature dropped to negative again so the melted snow turned to ice… yeah, hard slippery ice on the road. Can you imagine doing ice skating using your own shoes? I almost slipped a number of times so I just stepped over the snow for a good grip. It took me about 20 minutes to reach my destination.

Luckily, I saw lower prices in Yamada Denki-not only lower prices but more models in their line up. I was just expecting to buy the one like model I saw in Super Denkodo but I ended up bringing home a more expensive one. Just a bit... about 3,000 yen more. But the features are almost the same though the shape and feel is better, except for a few more enhancements. The main reason that drove me to finally give in to buying was the price. They lowered the price by about 11,000 yen! What a nice bargain. Then I used up all of my points (like the one in the Reward Plus program) so I got another 6,000 yen price down. So in the end, the register displayed 35,000 yen and some amount. Not bad, as compared to the original price of 52,000 yen.

I hurried back to Super Denkodo's area so I could catch the last bus at 5:15 pm. It seemed that I wouldn't make it to the bus but I just walked that fast so I was still able to manage to buy some pastries before getting into the bus. But I was really exhausted. Anyway, I am happy as I already have a cam and I did exercise for about 40 minutes.

I will just call it a day by refreshing myself in the bathtub. See you!

January 24, 2005
Yamagata City, Japan

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