Monday, August 02, 2004

Teaching Math for Kids is Fun!

* Originally posted in my Multiply account,

Lately I have started teaching mathematics to some Filipino children here in Japan. I actually have two students. The one is in high school already and the other one is in elementary. The high school student still knows how to communicate in Tagalog, which was a great convenience for me. However, the other one speaks no other than Japanese, so every time we have the session, I am quite nervous with my Japanese. It is obvious that the little girl is more fluent than me in Japanese but it is ok. The girl at first seemed to be very shy but as the sessions went on, we are having fun.

It is very fulfilling for me to see them learning their math with me as their tutor. Someone told me that why did ‚h choose teaching math for kids as a volunteer work instead of having it as a part time job. I really don't know why also. But for me, it is experience and fulfillment that matter most to me. May be some other time, I can teach math or English as a part-time job, but for now, I will just let myself experience the fun being with children of the same country as where I came from.

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