Saturday, December 18, 2004

Christmas Charity Concert and Year-End Party

Dec. 19, 2004 - Christmas Charity Concert, Yamagata Catholic Church Posted by Hello


 僕は午前8時に起きて、おそばを朝御飯として食べて、2時のミサに参列するつもりだった。でも、途中でくんからメールが来た。午後の忘年会の事を聞いた。僕の返事にクリスマスチャリティ―コンサートのことも書いた。衛くんは 教会に行きたいといって、教会までの行く道を聞いた。そして、スーツとズボンをよく見たら、アイロンをしなければならないと思った。だから、僕はミサに遅れた残念だったけど、午後は忘年会だから、英語のミサに参列ができない。




English Translation:

December 19, 2004 (Sunday)

I got up at 8 o’clock, ate soba for breakfast, and intended to attend the mass at 2:00. However, an e-mail came from Mamoru. He asked me about the year end party in the afternoon. The Christmas Charity Concert has also been in my response. Mamoru said he wanted to go to the church, and asked the directions going to it. And then, I thought that I had to iron the suit and the pair of trousers as I looked at them carefully. Thus, I even though I would be late for the Japanese mass, I decided to attend to it as I could not attend the English mass for the reason that I was going to the year end party in the afternoon instead.

I saw Emily and Ate Cristy after the mass. They went to see the concert. Mamoru had come a few minutes before the concert. I could not believe that he could make it to the church but I am glad that he did. It is because he came from a faraway place just to see the concert. The concert went well.

After the concert I went to year end party of the Yamagata City International Friendship Association. We played games with children, staff, and the student volunteers and we had food. The dish called “harusame” or spring rain was the most delicious for me.

I slept for four hours after I had returned to the house. I called my mother at night. I will go to school tomorrow. Good night.

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